If it does not balance, it is not accounting and definitely not life

The accounting of time
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

The accounting of time

Time is one of our most valuable assets. It is fleeting, never enough, too long, too short, and never fully utilized. As a parent, I am reminded of this truth every day…  My kids are growing in the blink of an eye, my parents are aging and somehow, I cannot find the time to maintain this newsletter, while I am too busy selling my time. 

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The accounting of raising future presidents
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

The accounting of raising future presidents

My daughters, (almost 9 and 6) are going to be presidents. They manifested it, and as a Black immigrant mother, I am fully invested in supporting their goals. Our household has regular discussions, tears, and agreements about who will be the first and who will be president of what.

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Accounting and joint ventures
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

Accounting and joint ventures

My parents recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They have been together for more than fifty years and most likely have never been in other long-term relationships.

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The accounting of gratitude
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

The accounting of gratitude

I am ending 2022 with gratitude, no journal entries, no numbers, just a heart full of contentment and joy. I am wearing my rose-colored glasses and immortalizing my gratitude through this post.

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When community accounting is called consolidation
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

When community accounting is called consolidation

Accounting is a verb and I love conjugation. My daughter is currently learning French as well and I help her with all the verbs and conjugation. My favorite one, of course, is the verb “ to count”. In French, to count also translate into “to matter”, which makes sense, because you would not spend time counting or recording things that do not matter.

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Cultural liabilities and assets
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

Cultural liabilities and assets

Last week, my 8-year-old prepared for an important audition after spending 6 months in a modeling and acting program. Although she was extremely stressed, she stayed late for many hours on a Zoom call, patiently waited her turn, and delivered her lines with bravado. The next day, when I went to pick her up, her first question was if she had made the selection.

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Inventory accounting
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

Inventory accounting

Since December is the unofficial month of inventory counts for auditors and accountants, I will have a post about inventory... and will keep it as down-to-earth as possible.

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The non-assets and their disposal
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

The non-assets and their disposal

We are not all assets (and my post about being an asset was not on par with generally accepted accounting standards - GAAP). In accounting, the language of business, assets have different meanings. 

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Are you a liability?
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

Are you a liability?

Is my presence here a disgrace to her? To Americans? Do I put her at a disadvantage? Am I deserving of America? Do I deserve to live in America? What is home? Am I a liability?

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More CPAs in politics
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

More CPAs in politics

Tonight on election night, I randomly asked myself: how many politicians are CPAs? I never thought about CPAs occupying the sphere of governmental power, but rather I saw them in the background supporting elected officials.

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Accounting is storytelling
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

Accounting is storytelling

Last week, I took a break from my podcasts and Audible and jumped into a couple of Q3 earning calls this week. Here are my non-objective observations.

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What is an asset? Am I an asset?
Edwine Alphonse Edwine Alphonse

What is an asset? Am I an asset?

A couple of months ago, I caught myself ending an interview summary with the words, “she will be an incredible asset to the company”.

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